Kampanja “Arsimi në dorën tënde”
EN Version – Campaign “Education in your hand” SCK and KYC, as always with the will and the enthusiasm to improve the quality of education and access to the best schools, was joined by the Campaign “Education in your hand”. This campaign is organized by the Ministry of Education Science and Technology, GIZ, in cooperation […]
Fuqizimi i KNK përmes pjesëmarrjes në OBESSU
EN Version – Empowering SCK through OBESSU KYC’s membership in the European Organization OBESSU is increasingly empowering the Student Council of Kosovo. The ability to represent SCK in OBESSU is always one of the most unique experiences we share. During this time of period this special trip and participation in this event was offered to […]
Takimi i tretë me Këshillin Drejtues: “Aktivizmi- Aktivizmi për barazi gjinore”
EN Version – Third meeting with Steering Council- “Activism, Activism for Gender Equality” Following the monthly meetings with KYC, at the third meeting of the Steering Council we discussed about “Activism – Activism for Gender Equality”. To make this discussion more fruitful, KYC invited two activists: Iliriana Banjska and Nita Zeqiri, both activities and long […]
Trajnimi 2 ditor (Avokim, Lobimi)
EN Version – Two days training regarding Advocacy and Lobbying Advocacy and Lobbying were the topics that KYC elaborated during the workshop with SCK. During the two days of training, we were introduced to these two terms and learned about their importance and how through these forms of advocacy and lobbying students can raise awareness […]
Takimi i dytë me Këshillin Drejtues – Tema: Shëndeti Mendor
EN Version – Second meeting with the Steering Council: Topic: Mental Health It is almost essential to pay attention to a student’s emotional state in order to have a qualitative learning and for everyone to remain satisfied. Unfortunately, our educational system fails to fulfill this need. Therefore, along with KYC at the second Steering Council […]
Diskutim: “Ngacmimet seksuale”
EN Version – Discussion: “Sexual Harassment” The issue “Sexual Harassment” is really one of the most prominent topics in our schools and community, but very little is said about it. KYC in collaboration with the non-governmental organization ETEA managed to bring us an interactive and fruitful discussion for all of us as participants. The students […]
Trajnime: “Të drejtat e njeriut me fokus në komunitetin LGBT”
EN Version – Awareness Trainings: “Human Rights with a focus on LGBT Community” During these past months we had the opportunity to organize trainings about human rights with the main focus on LGBT community, in different high schools. Together with the help of KYC and the non-governmental organization CEL we managed to organize six trainings […]
Break the Ice!
As the newest established generation of SCK, in early November KYC consolidated a meeting with our new school representatives, in order to “break the ice” and create first contacts. Our 40 representatives had the opportunity to get first-hand information about KYC and SCK, what they stand for, their history and the responsibilities passed down to […]
We will make our own plan
EN Version Our monthly meetings took place in December, where 28 participants were present. This meeting aimed to inform us about the responsibilities, creating a group spirit and contacts among students, also creating the SCK 2017/2018 Work Plan. This meeting was a lot more relevant to the fact that we were getting to know each […]