Generation Free Education- 17Now
EN Version We have a long experience in defending school student rights and bringing forward initiatives that commemorate the struggles of many people for a free quality education. The international Students’ Day is one of these occasions, where we together with KYC are part of the Campaign 17 Now. This year the tackled issue was: […]
Celebrating the 10th Birthday of Student Council of Kosovo
EN Version This year, SCK (Student Council of Kosova) has celebrated our 10th birthday. Over 10 different generations we have engaged in activities that aimed to strengthen the role of students in our schools, and make us part of the decision-making processes by raising our voices and asking for our demands to be fulfilled. The […]
Sharing is caring
EN Version September 2017: To evaluate the work with the last generation of SCK (Student Council of Kosova) 2016/2017, KYC organized a closing meeting with the Steering Council 2016/2017 Generation. 15 participants attended and discussed the work done during the past year, shedding light over SKC’s achievements as well as areas in need of change, […]
Shaping the future of VET schools
EN Version VET schools and it’s pupils are often overlooked and forgotten. However, the SCK and KYC’s willingness to improve their challenges focused on the activity that started with the implementation of the project “Shaping the Future of VET Schools” in Peja. Studnets took part in round-table discussions which had the main goal of identifying […]
Future Voters
EN Version Recognizing our need to have a deeper understanding of the electoral process, KYC in cooperation with D4D (Democracy for Development) organized the training known as “Mock Election” (simulation of electoral election for information purposes). These trainings were held in 8 High Schools in different municipalities like Prishtina, Prizren, Pejë, Gjilan, Kamenicë and Ferizaj. […]
Actively participating in Europe
EN Version As KYC is now part of OBESSU (European organisation) during these years we had the opportunity to have a broader representation of Kosovo’s educational system and find new ways to empower our Council. Since the SCK is now represented in every activity in OBESSU it is worth to mention the recent events where […]
Trajnimet mbi “Menaxhimin dhe Udhëheqjen” po vazhdojnë…
Trajnimet në kuadër të projektit “Building a Generation of impact through Student Council” të financuar nga GIZ, po vazhdojnë, me ç’rast u vizituan shkollat: Asim Vokshi, Gjergj Fishta, Nazim Gafurri, në komunën e Prishtinës. Tashmë në trajnime janë përfshirë mbi 100 nxënës të cilët po shfaqin interesim mbi temat që po diskutohen. Në ditët në […]
Filluan trajnimet në kuadër të projektit “Building a generation of impact through Student Council”
Këshilli Rinor Kosovar filloj sot fazën e parë të trajnimeve në kuadër të projektit “Building a generation of impact through Student Council” i financuar nga GIZ. Në këtë fazë po mbahet trajnimi “Menaxhimi dhe Udhëheqja” i cili ka për qëllim informimin e nxënësve mbi dallimin mes Menaxhimit dhe Udhëheqjes. Shkollat të cilat i vizituam […]
Testit Hulumtues për Klasat e V-ta
Këshilli Rinor Kosovar me datë 21, 22, 23 Prill në bashkëpunim me Ministrinë e Arsimit Shkencës dhe Teknologjisë bëri administrimin e Testit Hulumtues për Klasat e V-ta në komunën e Kaçanikut, Gjilanit dhe Fushë Kosovës. Qëllimi i këtij testi ishte që të matet niveli arritjes së nxënësve në Gjuhë Amtare dhe Matematikë për këtë […]